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Albatros777 (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Albatros777 (munozara | hissa)
Tahrir izohi yoʻq
Qator 5:
[[File:2006-01-14 Surface waves.jpg|thumb|right|Xavfsiz, va yetarlicha toza suv manbasi butun insoniyat yashashi, gullab yashnashi va ijtimoiy-iqtisodiy rivojlanishi uchun zaruriy shartdir. ~ [[Kofi Annan]] ]]
[[File:Niagara falls - Winter - Prospect point view at night.jpg|thumb|Minglab odamlar sevgisiz yashagan, kimdir esa suvsiz. ~ [[W. H. Auden]] ]]
[[File:A surfer at the wave.jpg|thumb|WaterSuv isjuda ayaxshi very good servantxizmatkor, but it islekin au cruellshafqatsiz maisterusta. ~ [[w:William Bullein|William Bullein]] ]]
[[File:LightningVolt Deep Blue Sea.jpg|thumb|right|Water, water, everywhere; Nor any drop to drink. ~ [[Samuel Taylor Coleridge]] ]]
[[File:SurfaceTension.jpg|thumb|There is nothing softer and weaker than water,<br>And yet there is nothing better for attacking hard and strong things.<br>For this reason there is no substitute for it. ~ [[Laozi]] ]]